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Slay Nation Long Island, NY 

First and foremost we respect each other as anglers, the sport, and the area around us!


Notes: All membership fees must be paid in advance before the event to fish! 


Entry fees- Each team/solo angler, must pay the entry fee the morning of the event to fish, not after! - $60 cash ($45 for event Payout, $5 big bass pot, $5 AOY Championship Awards, $5 goes toward State Championship Event Awards)


Anglers may fish as a Team or Solo (see below for Partner Substitution) no matter what you choose it is the same Entry fee.


Minimum size requirements. 10” 


****​"Trolling" is not allowed during events****  ****NO Live Bait**** 

****Team = 2 Anglers****  ****Landing Nets Allowed****

*****All vessels MUST be back at boat launch ON TIME*****

.5” deduction per minute late


Vessels Allowed: Any Canoe, Kayak and aluminum boats under 20 ft. (V-Hull/Mod-V permitted)! Please abide by any state laws to use a trolling motor. 

Directors are not responsible for any angler who does not have the proper licenses.

  • All Anglers must have the appropriate Fishing License for your area..

  • Anglers under the age of 18 yrs. old, must have a signed Parent Consent Form with all of the correct Parent Contact info. (see Parent Consent Form)

  • Coast Guard Certified PFD's MUST be worn at all times on kayaks and canoes. Jon Boats must comply with your state regulations.

  • All Anglers must use a certified Hawg Trough or Ketch Board to measure their catch. All Anglers must have their own; they may be requested to present it to their Director to be inspected.

  • S.N.T.F. uses the C.P.R method in our events. Catch, Photo, Release.  BEST 5 FISH !!!

  • All Fish must be measured on the Hawg Trough/Ketch Board from left to right on the bump board, dorsal fin up only. The fish cannot be measured upside down!!!! ANY FISH IN THE PIC  NOT MEASURED FACING LEFT TO RIGHT , WILL NOT BE COUNTED!!!! Mouth closed and facing left, dorsal fin up, tail to the right!

  • The fish's mouth must be CLOSED and placed against the bump board! If it is not, there will be a 1/4 inch deduction!

  • YOUR IDENTIFICATION CODE MUST BE IN EVERY PICTURE, visible and clear or your submission will be denied!

  • All fish are measured in 1/4 inch increments, we round down to the nearest 1/4 inch!

  • Tail pinching is NOT allowed.  If it is, there will be a 1/4 inch deduction.

  • AT ANYTIME YOU MAY NOT SUBMIT THE SAME FISH TWICE! If this happens, it will result in an automatic disqualification from the event!!

  • If an angler is caught cheating they will be terminated from all S.N.T.F events and there will be no refund from either the membership fee or the entry fee that day!

  • Anglers fishing as a team using separate Kayaks must stay within 20 yards of one another. This is the only time anglers may fish “split up”.

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Places and Monster Big Bass will be rewarded a Cash Prize the same day of the event. All others will be entered in for raffle prizes.

  • If you decide to use a livewell and Measure-in at the end of the event. You must notify the Director in the morning before start and register on TourneyX prior to Event. All Photos will be uploaded to the Team's TourneyX account by the Director. 

Partner Substitution Rules

  • Partner Substitution fee = $15 per event (This money will go into the Lunker Pot that event)

  • The substitute angler will have to pay a $15 Fee for subbing that event! (equivalent to a membership fee, that all other anglers paid)

Point Standings

  • Each teams total length of fish will be counted towards their point totals

  • Meaning if a team caught a total of 50 inches of bass in an event, that equals out to 50 points for that event.

  • The lowest event score for each team will be dropped at the end of the season.

  • The team or angler with the highest total points at the end of that season will be named ANGLER/S OF THE YEAR

Championship Event

  • Top 10 AOY Point teams will Fish at AOY Championship.

  • Must attend 4 out of 7 events to qualify for the AOY Championship.

  • All Teams are eligible to fish State Championship Event.

  • No additional buy-in on day of event

  • Payouts will be determined by member attendance throughout the regular season

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